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Food Services

Aramark is the Mineola School District's Food Services Provider. Please contact Kate Ruivo at 516-237-2696 or with any questions. 

This 2024-2025 school year, Mineola Schools will be participating in the Community Eligible Provision (CEP) available to select schools as a part of the Federal National School Breakfast and Lunch Program.

What does this mean for my student(s) who attend Mineola Schools? 

All students will receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch at no charge each school day, regardless of family income. All meals offered to Mineola students follow USDA Guidelines for milk, fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains. A la carte items such as water and snacks,  as well as a second breakfast or lunch meals will still be available for purchase. We encourage families to register for My School Bucks and fund an account for your student, as items cannot be charged under any circumstances. Parents are expected to pay any prior outstanding balance on their student's account. 

Why would I fill out an application/eligibility form if my student (s) already gets free meals?

In order for Mineola Schools to continue to be eligible to offer free meals we MUST collect information from families through the Eligibility Form linked below.  IF YOU BELIEVE YOU QUALIFY FOR FREE AND REDUCED MEALS BASED ON INCOME, PLEASE FILL OUT THE ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION. 

By completing the application, you could qualify for additional benefits such as waivers for college applications and discounts for admission tests (i.e. ACTs, SATs) and AP tests.

How do I fill out an application?

Applications can be completed in two ways.

1 - Completing the application online at MySchool Apps.

2 - Printing out a copy from the list below and sending it in with your child or by mail  to the address listed on the form.


For anything relating to meals contact Kate Ruivo at 516-237-2696 or

For anything relating to applications or your MySchool Bucks account call the District Treasurer at 516-237-2067 or email


MySchoolBucks Information Sheet

MySchool Apps


Link to Income Eligibility Form (English)

Link to Income Eligibility Form (Spanish)

Link to Income Eligibility Form (Portuguese)



Public Announcement (English, Spanish)


School Breakfast and Summer Food Service Program Outreach

To find meals for kids when schools are closed: