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iPad Initiative

Help with logins

Canvas is the learning management system that supports online learning and teaching. It allows teachers to post grades, information and assignments online and for students to submit required work 

username: (student id number)

see ID badge or student schedule for this number)

Choose forgot my password if needed and check school email 


Castle learning is a web based content review and skill assessment tool. It allows students to review, assess, and learn math, science, social studies, English and foreign languages in a friendly question and answer format

username: min-flastXX (flast = first initial = last name, XX=graduation year)

password: at first login password is empty/blank. User is prompted to create new password.

Choose Forgot my password if needed and check school email


Math space allows students to receive automated feedback on every step of a math problem. The tool identifies whether students have taken the correct steps to solve the problem and provides feedback when they have not.

Students should contact math teacher for login help. Accounts are auto-generated by the program.


Actively Learn is a reading platform for the web where students can highlight, annotate, and discuss text as they read. Teachers can assign tests to students solo and in groups so that whole classes can read, annotate and interact around texts at their levels.


login with school Google workspace (gmail) account


Choose forgot my password and check school email for reset option


(new entrants after Sept 2018) username: flastXX@mufsd

   Password reset help


  • Gmail (Workspace email)


contact school for password reset if needed