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Parent/Spectator Support at Athletic Events 

We encourage family members to share in our athletes’ education by attending games and showing positive, constructive support.  If a parent has a question, the athletic staff welcomes the opportunity to talk.  Discussions on the field are often fragmentary, incomplete and public.  If the conversation involves an individual’s performance, it certainly deserves both privacy and time.

It is the responsibility of the parent/spectator to:

  1. Avoid actions, language and gestures, which offend visiting teams, coaches, officials or individual players.
  2. Show appreciation of good play by both teams.
  3. Do not coach your child during the game.  Let coaches perform their duties.
  4. Treat all visiting teams in a manner in which you would expect you and your child to be treated.
  5. Accept the judgment of coaches and officials.  Harassment will no be tolerated.
  6. Encourage other spectators to participate in the spirit of ethical and sporting behavior.
  7. Understand that violations of the Code of Ethics may result in suspension from participation at Mineola athletic contests.
  8. Be positive and promote the emotional and physical well being of athletes.

Students/Student Athletes creating disturbances at any contest requiring disciplinary action may be banned from attending future athletic contests involving Mineola athletic teams.