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Meadow Drive Library Catalog eBook Instructions

An ebook can be read online at school or at home. To read an eBook:

  1. Go to the Meadow Drive Library Catalog website
  2. Click on 'Material Type' and select 'eBooks
  3. To see all the titles available that are ebooks you could just press “keyword” search and all the titles will come up.  You could also search by title, author or subject by writing a search word in the find box.
  4. When you find the book you want you will need to open it.
  5. It will take you to a screen that prompts you to log on.

Username: meadowdrive
Password:  library

I know this seems complicated but it is really quite easy.  Please let me know if you need any help.

NOTE: eBooks are also available on the online databases, TumbleBooks, BookFlix and Capstone Interactive all may be accessed through the Meadow Drive Online Databases link. Passwords are listed on the insert (golden ticket) that was sent home.