Student Service Center supports schools in Sierra Leone

Our learners in Student Service Center. thumbnail255512
Our learners in Student Service Center. thumbnail255513
Our learners in Student Service Center. thumbnail255514

Our learners in Student Service Center recently donated their time to help load shipping containers with much needed supplies that will benefit schools in Sierra Leone. This initiative is part of an ongoing partnership with US-Africa Children’s Fellowship (USACF), a non-profit organization that provides support to some of the least resourced schools in Africa.

In addition to providing student volunteers to help load the containers, our learners also spearheaded a drive to collect items for the students. This shipment that is currently in route contains books, musical instruments, sports equipment and school supplies that would otherwise be unavailable to the students in rural communities of Sierra Leone.

The district is proud to recognize our kind, empathetic and generous learners who are always ready and willing to help fellow students in need, whether they are around the corner or around the world.

Date Added: 2/26/2024