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Middle School Learners Lead E-Waste Drive

Mineola Middle School e-waste drive main header thumbnail262279
Mineola Middle School e-waste drive group photo thumbnail262280
Mineola Middle School learner holds e-waste drive sign thumbnail262281
Mineola learners take inventory at e-waste drive thumbnail262283
Mineola Middle School learners carry a TV for recycling thumbnail262284
Mineola learners and administrators dance to draw attention to e-waste drive thumbnail262285

Mineola Middle School learners did their part for the future of the planet as they held an e-waste collection and helped keep hundreds of broken and obsolete electronics out of our landfills.

During the annual Mineola Middle School e-Waste Drive, students collected 6,550 pounds of electronic waste to be recycled. The total amount collected has increased significantly each year since the first drive in 2016. Over the past eight years, the school is proud to have helped facilitate the responsible disposal of nearly 30 tons of e-waste.

Community members were invited to drop off unused or broken items including printers, computers, tablets, phones, televisions and chargers during the after-school drive. Students collected and inventoried each item before adding it the heap that was hauled off for sorting and recycling by Two Brothers Scrap Metal.

We are #MineolaProud of our learners for taking on this ambitious project and for contributing to a cleaner, more environmentally responsible future.

Date Added: 11/12/2024